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Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll

Značka: Slovart

Kategória: Knihy | Beletria pre dospelých | Svetová súčasná


Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll, Väzba: tvrdá s prebalom , Počet strán: 192, Jazyk: anglický, Rok vydania: 2022 "Lewis Caroll ought now to be taking his palace among the novelists", wrote Kathleen Tillotson twenty-one years ago. Alices Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass need no introduction: the double Alice is among the best-known, most frequently quoted books in the English language, and has been translated into almost as many foreign tongues as has the Bible; in its own branch of the art of fiction it stands supreme. It is the most outstanding among that small group of childrens books which adults continue to read troughout life-and often enjoy more than the audience for whom they were originally intended.

24.49 EUR s DPH

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